Crisis Communications

How to Write an Effective Apology

At some point in the career of most leaders an apology needs to be issued. When carefully crafted, an apology can be a powerful…

Crisis Communications

Navigating a Storm: Crisis Communication Strategies

In recent weeks, several local organizations have found themselves navigating turbulent waters, facing crises that threaten their…

Crisis Communications

The Importance of Message Consistency in a Crisis

Crises for businesses are often unavoidable. Preparedness is critical in preventing an issue from becoming a full-blown PR nightmare…

Crisis Communications

The PR Perils of Keeping Quiet

In the fast-paced world of public relations, every statement or action, or lack thereof, matters. From crafting the right message…

Crisis Communications

The Importance of Defining a Clear Narrative BEFORE Crisis Hits

Turn on the news, open the paper, or scroll your social feed of choice and you’ll see seemingly endless examples of organizations…

Crisis Communications

How to Prepare for the Unknown

The importance of having a clear communications plan when you’re unsure of what’s next Recently, The Philadelphia Inquirer…

Crisis Communications

Speaking Volumes: The Art of Spokesperson Selection in Crisis Response

Every organization should have more than one spokesperson who is prepped and ready to go in the event of a crisis. Identifying…

Crisis Communications

The Golden Hour of Crisis Response

Effective crisis response is a competitive advantage for any organization. Often, it is not the severity of the crisis that undoes…

Crisis Communications

The Cornerstones of a Crisis Plan

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recently announced the formation of a crisis team following last year’s “slap…