Comcast Launches New Media Platform

The Challenge

Maven was engaged to launch a first-of-its kind, three-year pilot program for Comcast. Branded Philly In Focus, the program is designed to strengthen local content through the video and interactive media of local organizations. In order to succeed, the new platform needed a robust community outreach and PR strategy that would connect with and support Philadelphia’s myriad Political, Education and Government (PEG) organizations, local businesses and nonprofits. Besides being a first-of-its-kind initiative for Comcast, Philly In Focus had to overcome potential negative perceptions about Comcast’s “corporate giant” persona and appeal to nonprofit and community partners.


Increase in site traffic


Partners secured

3 Year

Pilot program


Maven developed and executed a comprehensive education and engagement campaign using social media, event marketing and media relations to position the initiative as a true local content platform designed to connect community groups. In addition, Maven worked with Comcast to develop an event partnership strategy to highlight how community groups could promote their organizations through the platform.


The platform was well received among community organizations, with more than 150 groups signing on during the beta period. Local community events–ranging from beer tastings to community festivals–created an organic, homegrown vibe that attracted local organizations to participate and be heard. The social media campaign proved to be a successful traffic generator, with up to 30% of site traffic coming from Facebook alone. The local media platform model was renewed beyond the three-year pilot and has been used as the model to launch other local media initiatives for Comcast, including EveryBlock.

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