Public Relations

Why You Shouldn’t Cut PR During a Recession

With the Phillies in the World Series, we may see tougher economic times ahead. (The Phillies won the championship in 1929, 1980…

Public Relations

Create a PR Campaign that Gets Results

When I was on the crew team in college, the ongoing joke was that rowers start at the finish and go backwards. As a rower, we…

Arts & Culture

Manti Te’o Case Study

With the popular Netflix documentary series Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist resurfacing the Manti Te’o story, I wanted…

Public Relations

The Importance of Knowing Audience Perspective

It’s natural to assume that your view of the world is how most others see it too. As citizens of Western culture, we are encouraged…

Media Relations

Tackling PR from a Journalist’s Perspective

It’s no secret that there can be some tension between journalists and PR professionals. Reporters will often complain that their…

Public Relations

Don’t Keep Your PR Firm In The Dark

Keeping information from your public relations team is a bad idea.    As PR practitioners, we’ve heard the gamut of reasons…

Public Relations

National Brand, Local PR

National brands often hire national PR firms. When it comes to making a brand impact in local markets, those national PR firms…

Public Relations

5 Steps for Creating A Strategic Communications Plan

A communications plan is an essential tool for any business when it comes to creating a roadmap for communications success over…

Public Relations

Why Your PR Campaign Needs a Strategy

Launching a new public relations campaign is an exciting time for a business. Whether you’re looking to start your PR efforts…