Back in the Saddle: Reflecting on my return to office from parental leave

Returning to work after parental leave is an experience that’s different for everyone. As a second-time parent, I thought I knew what to expect, but this time, as with my first and second child, was uniquely different.  

Re-entering the workplace, balancing responsibilities at home, and trying to find my “new normal” again has required deliberate planning and mindset shifts. Here are a few things that helped me navigate the transition and some tips that might help others facing the same circumstances. 

Embrace a Flexible Routine 

The biggest shift for me was accepting that my routine would need to be more fluid. With two small kids now, the structure that worked before doesn’t necessarily fit anymore so I am learning to embrace flexibility and focus on what can be controlled. You might go to bed with the next day perfectly planned, only to wake up to a little one with a sudden cold—so adaptability is key. 

Some practical tips: 

  • Prioritize tasks: Each day, I focus on identifying the top priorities for each client to ensure their needs are met. I also rely heavily on my notebook to keep everything organized and in one place.   
  • Leverage time-blocking: I started time-blocking my days to create dedicated windows for focused work, meetings, and even personal moments. This helped me maximize productivity while also creating space for inevitable unexpected interruptions, whether they came from work or home. 

Tackle the Logistics 

One thing that made my transition smoother this second time around was preparing myself mentally and organizationally in the weeks leading up to my return. Rather than walking into thousands of unread emails, I chose to ease into things. 

Here’s what worked for me: 

  • Get up to speed gradually: I started checking emails a few weeks before my first day back. This allowed me to flag the urgent messages and generally have a clearer sense of where things stood. By the time I officially returned, I felt much more in control about next steps.  
  • Plan your first week back: Rather than diving into meetings and big projects on day one, I planned a deliberate re-entry. Scheduling time to catch up with teammates, ask questions, and refocus helped me feel more settled. 

Give Yourself Grace 

Returning to work after parental leave brings a lot of pressure to perform at the same level as before, but it’s important to recognize that things have changed—and that’s okay. Learning to manage my expectations and be kinder to myself was essential in maintaining balance.  

Here’s what helped me: 

  • Ask for help: Lean on your support network, whether it’s family, friends, or colleagues. Most people are more than willing to assist, and reaching out can significantly lighten your load. 
  • Prioritize self-care: Between the demands of work and family, finding time for yourself may feel impossible, but it’s crucial. Even small moments of self-care, whether it’s a quick walk or sitting in silence to drink a coffee, can help to recharge and be more present. 

Reflecting on my parental leave, I feel incredibly lucky to have spent those precious moments getting to know my daughter and embracing my new role as a mom of two. I am excited to be back at Maven with my amazing teammates and all of the new, exciting opportunities ahead.

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