Read on to get smart insights, fun commentary and new tools in PR, content and social media.
Are my ideas resonating? How do I make an impact? PR professionals are obsessed with these kinds of big questions. Whether it’s…
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is a phrase that comes to mind when planning strategic events for clients. Sometimes…
We’ve all seen terrible interviews on popular news networks, social media, and soon to be created into memes. These interviews…
Podcasts have increasingly become a popular content channel for brands, and an effective tool for PR professionals. According…
For decades the media industry has used editorial calendars (ed cals) as a way of planning content that will be published during…
When determining meaningful media opportunities for your clients, you and your client may immediately think of well-known regional…
We hear from clients all the time, “I want to be on the front page of the Wall Street Journal” and “I’d love an article…
In my former life as a legal journalist, my days were often spent huddled over my notebook in crowded courtroom galleries, covering…
LinkedIn currently has more than 850 million members. And according to the company, 95 job applications and six people are hired…