Public Relations

4 Ways To Amplify Earned Media Coverage

For most PR professionals, securing a media placement in a target publication that reaches your client’s audience is the cornerstone…

Public Relations

Why Your PR Campaign Isn’t Working

You attended hours of strategy planning sessions. You worked and reworked your budget. You put together a compelling PowerPoint…

Content Marketing

Tips for Managing your PR and Social Media Campaigns Around the Holidays

While many businesses tend to slow down for a much-needed and well-deserved break over the holiday season, communications and…

Content Marketing

How to Use Competitors to Strengthen Your Marketing Strategy

Creating an effective marketing strategy is integral to a company’s success. And one of the integral steps in creating a marketing…


Seven Steps of PR Measurement

PR measurement has historically been an embarrassment. From ad equivalencies to mention counts and “readership,” the industry…

Content Marketing

Social Content Planning 101

There is so much planning that goes into social media content creation – from mapping out content ideas to drafting copy and…

Media Relations

15-Minute Mini Media Training

The trick to a successful media interview is preparedness – researching the reporter, knowing your key messages, being concise…

Crisis Communications

Who Should Be On Your Crisis Response Team

One of the key elements of a crisis response plan is identifying the individuals on the crisis response team and defining their…

M&A Communications & Corporate Transitions

6 Best Practices for Acquisition Communications

When a company embarks on a merger, acquisition or corporate restructuring, much of the focus of leadership is on the financial…