Digital Strategy & Social Media

Social Media + Email Marketing: A Match Made in Heaven

There’s no doubt that social media reigns as king of digital marketing in 2020. But that doesn’t mean email has lost its purpose…


How to Avoid Work From Home Fatigue

As the pandemic continues to force business to work out of office, many people are finding it difficult to avoid work-from-home…

Media Relations

How to Write an Op-Ed

Though almost everyone has read a piece in their local newspaper’s opinion section, it’s not always clear what makes for a…

Media Relations

Tips for Thought Leadership Pitching During Election Month

In today’s Insight, I’m discussing tips for thought leadership pitching during election month. It’s no secret that election…

Digital Strategy & Social Media

Navigating Social Media During the Election

If 2020 has taught social media managers anything, it’s that you can’t plan for everything. From COVID-19 to nationwide civil…

Public Relations

Newsjacking: What is it, When is it Appropriate, and How to Do it?

Newsjacking is a term coined by David Meerman Scott in his book, “Newsjacking.” According to Scott, newsjacking is the art…


Creating Video Content From Home

In today’s Insight, we are continuing our discussion on creating video content from home. The coronavirus pandemic has not only…

Public Relations

How to Communicate Around the Upcoming Election

Today, we’re talking about how to communicate around the upcoming election. We’ll be covering some do’s and don’ts on how to communicate…

Media Relations

Preparing for a Virtual Broadcast Interview

As newsrooms shift to conduct interviews through video conference platforms, we’ve outlined some tips to consider when preparing…