A Letter to Partners and Friends

Dear Partners and Friends,

Like the rest of the country, we are heartbroken. We are heartbroken about the murder of George Floyd and for the countless others for whom this atrocity is yet another injustice. We are heartbroken for our beloved City of Philadelphia that, like all of America, has a complicated history of racial inequity that persists today.

But today, we are also hopeful. We have found hope in the peaceful protests we have seen – across the country and in Philadelphia. We are encouraged by the renewed commitment we see in companies to address racial inequity within their organizations and services they provide. We are hopeful about the steps many community groups and individuals are taking to try and address real change.

One small step that we are taking is to increase our support of organizations making a positive impact in Philadelphia. Two of those organizations include:

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence Region – A nonprofit that empowers kids in our community to achieve their full potential through the power of one-to-one mentoring. There are nearly 1,300 local children on the waiting list for a mentor. And they need them now more than ever.

We are both involved with these organizations and feel passionate about their mission. We encourage you to look further into these groups or find one in your community that moves you.

A Letter to Partners and Friends

As two white female business owners, we will never fully understand the pain and anguish of systemic racism. But we are committed to listening, learning, and standing for what is right. We are dedicated to dismantling biases and to life-long growth and education.

With strength and love,

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