Media Relations

Finding Your Edge with Legal Reporters

In my former life as a legal journalist, my days were often spent huddled over my notebook in crowded courtroom galleries, covering…

Public Relations

Why You Shouldn’t Cut PR During a Recession

With the Phillies in the World Series, we may see tougher economic times ahead. (The Phillies won the championship in 1929, 1980…

Volunteering: Using Your 9-5 Day Skills to Better Your Community

“I don’t have time to volunteer.” “My schedule is so crazy I don’t have a minute to spare.” “I want to give back…

Public Relations

Create a PR Campaign that Gets Results

When I was on the crew team in college, the ongoing joke was that rowers start at the finish and go backwards. As a rower, we…

Media Relations

LinkedIn For Business Development: Features You Might Not Know About

LinkedIn currently has more than 850 million members. And according to the company, 95 job applications and six people are hired…

Media Relations

Storytelling Through Public Relations

There’s no question that at the root of Public Relations is authentic storytelling. Good stories help connect and build meaningful…

Arts & Culture

Manti Te’o Case Study

With the popular Netflix documentary series Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist resurfacing the Manti Te’o story, I wanted…

Media Relations

Paid Media Vs. Public Relations

Comparing two different media strategies. Paid media and public relations, despite being individually strong, are frequently used…

Media Relations

How to Prepare Your Client for a Media Interview

Congratulations! Your media outreach efforts have paid off and you arranged an interview between your client and a reporter. Now…