Read on to get smart insights, fun commentary and new tools in PR, content and social media.
Arts marketing isn’t just about selling tickets; it’s about building relationships. Building trust with those who have never…
Successfully demonstrating return on investment (ROI) for digital campaigns can mean the difference between additional dollars…
In 2020, social media is more than posting and liking. It’s a digital realm where you establish your brand’s voice and relay…
All companies are susceptible to crises. In an era where news travels as fast as you can tweet it, every threat — both real…
Tis the season for recapping the best Super Bowl commercials. We laughed, we cried, we thought for a second Tom Brady might retire…
Public relations practitioners judge if information and stories we are given are newsworthy or not. Sometimes company representatives…
2020 marks the start of a new decade and an even more competitive business outlook. Here are the top B2B marketing themes…
Maven’s Account Executive talks proudest career moments, PR trends, and Law & Order: SVU How did you get into PR? When I was…
As public relations professionals, one of our most important jobs is to ensure our clients are prepared to speak with the media…